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In order to enter results for the your chosen event, follow these steps:

1. Select your chosen event from either the “My Events” or “TImekeeper Events” view

2. When viewing the event, make a note of the Result Entry Type, either Watch Time, Actual Time or Time of Day, as this indicates what result you should be entering. Watch time is the time on the time keeper stopwatch that the rider finishes, Time of Day is the time of day that the rider finishes and Actual Time is the actual riding time for the event

Note about Watch Time: For Watch Time to work, rider bib numbers should correspond with the number of time intervals passed for each rider start time. e.g. If an event starts at 06:30 and riders are starting at 60 second intervals, the first rider starting should have bib number “1” and their start time should be 06:31. Rider number 2 should be starting at 06:32 etc. If your event requires bib numbers that start at numbers higher than the number of time intervals passed when that rider starts, you should set your event to use “Actual Time” and enter the actual result for each rider as they finish.

3. Scroll down to see the first riders in the event and click “View” to bring up the full start sheet

4. Select your chosen rider and enter either the Watch time, Actual time or Time of Day for that rider, depending on the setting for the event

Pro tip: Some Android phones will bring up a date/time selector which offers the option to scroll through hours, minutes and seconds. Tapping this scroll box will bring up a keypad to enable times to be entered directly, which is often faster.

5. Tap the back button to return to the start sheet and the time will be saved automatically

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as each rider completes the event

If you are entering results on either Watch Time or Time of Day and need to override the calculation with an actual result, e.g. to include a penalty, toggle the option “If using Watch Time or Time of Day for this event, select this option to override and enter an actual time” to on. Then enter the actual time in the result field and make a note of the reason you overrode the result in the notes box, e.g. “Includes 20s late start penalty”.

As each result is entered, a number will appear in the top right corner of the page showing how many changes have yet to be saved back to ResultSheet. If you have a data signal, this number should decrease automatically as you enter results. If you don’t have a data signal, results will be queued until you have data signal and will then synchronise.

Results may take 10-15 minutes after entry to appear on the event results sheet.

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