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ResultSheet can export event results in a format that can be imported into the CTT website.

A video explaining how to export results can be found here.

To create the export, perform the following:

  1. Login to ResultSheet on a computer rather than mobile device
  2. Select the event you wish to export the results for
  3. Select “Export results” from the options
  4. Tick the “Export in CTT Format” box in the popup window
  5. Select the CTT Event ID or Event name you wish to export
  6. Select “Export”

The export may take a few minutes depending on the number of riders.

ResultSheet creates the file in CSV format, which needs to be converted into XLS format before sending back to the CTT. You can do this via opening the CSV file in your normal spreadsheet application, e.g. Excel, and “Saving As” the file into Excel Workbook (XLS) format.

Once the XLS file has been created you can then upload it to the CTT website.

Note: The CTT only support one export file per CTT event, so if you have used the ResultSheet competition functionality to run multiple CTT events within a single ResultSheet event, e.g. 2-up, tandem or TTT, then you should create a separate export for each.

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