ResultSheet has now been updated to support changes to the CTT API following the new…
This product update contained:
- The HQ report auto scrolling function has now been fixed. If auto scroll is selected, results will begin scrolling after a set number of results have been entered
- The HQ report will expand to fill higher resolution screens, meaning more riders can be displayed without scrolling
- Tandems will now be shown as a different bike type in the “Machine” column of the results. Technically, tandems are a type of CTT event but this modification makes it easier to see where the tandem results are amongst a field of solo riders
- If viewing a Spindata prediction for an event that doesn’t have any results, the machine type will now be shown alongside the prediction
- On the mobile app, tapping a rider on a start sheet will show further rider information
- Organisers can now change the bike type of a rider to a type that wasn’t allowed during event entry. e.g. if an event originally allowed Road Bikes and TT Bikes, if a rider wishes to ride a Trike it will be possible to make that change from within ResultSheet
- Bug fix: under certain circumstances changes to a rider bike type would not get recognised when sending results back to the CTT
- Bug fix: DNSs sometimes showed in the wrong order when viewing results against Spindata predictions
- Bug fix: Event exist API returning true when an event wasn’t published