ResultSheet has now been updated to support changes to the CTT API following the new…
There are two main themes in this release of ResultSheet; support for the CTT transgender changes and a new format for age groups.
CTT Transgender Support
Last year, the CTT announced they would be moving from classifying events by gender (Men or Women) to a new model (Open and Female). The full set of classification rules can be found on the CTT website.
The changes to ResultSheet are mostly behind the scenes but the main visible changes are:
- The “Male” column on the event results page will now show “Open”
- The “Women” column on the event results page will now show “Female”
- The “Gender Filter” has been renamed to “Classification Filter” and will show Open and Female options
ResultSheet will continue to use the original classification method of Men/Women for events published before this change was made, any future events will use the new classification.
New Age Group Format
Following a poll on social media (thanks to everyone who voted) the age groups will now be shown differently. The original format was a combination of a letter to signify gender followed by another series of letters to signify the age group. The new format will use a the following format: <Classification> <Age Group>
The classification will be either “O” for “Open” or “F” for “Female”. Age groups will be:
- Less than 18 years old: rider age on day
- 19-22: Esp
- 23-39: Sen
- 40-44: 40
- 45-49: 45
- 50-54: 50
- 55-59: 55
- 60-64: 60
- 65-69: 65
- 70-74: 70
- 75-79: 75
- 80-84: 80
- 85+: 85+
For example:
- M A becomes O40
- W B becomes F45
- M 16 becomes O16
- W 19 becomes FSen