ResultSheet has now been updated to support changes to the CTT API following the new…
One of the largest admin tasks associated with running a series of TT events is managing the standings of riders as the series evolves. Keeping track of how many points each rider scores is complicated, especially when trying to run multiple categories of event (Open or Female) as well as across different bike types (TT, Road, Tricycle). Couple that with scoring people on Actual time, VTTA Age Adjusted Time and Age Groups and you get a 3 dimensional spreadsheet nightmare just waiting to give you the wrong answer.
On top of that, promoting individual events in a series is a time consuming social media treadmill. You send out website links via social media posts for your event, try to keep track of the questions and responses and when the event is complete you need to do it all over again for the next one.
Here is our solution – ResultSheet Event Series, ResultSheet will automatically calculate the points so you can spend less time on admin. In addition, each series has a unique web page which groups series events together, meaning you can effectively promote all events at the same time using a single link, helping generate awareness and increase rider numbers.
Sound good? Read on…
ResultSheet will automatically work out the points for your event series
Key Functionality
Having spoken with over 40 clubs last year, coming up with a solution that works for most scenarios has actually been quite tough as people like to add their own flavour to an event series. The classic is the “points for most improved rider” where “most improved” is often a combination of soft variables and opinion, including “trying the hardest” 🤣
We settled on a set of functionality that should suffice for the majority of cases and the key features include:
- Event series are scored using a points basis, e.g. 100 points for a win, 99 for second etc. This is more flexible than using things like cumulative time or average speed as it works across courses of different types and lengths when not every rider can make every event
- Event series can be run for individual classifications, e.g. Open and Female
- Different bike types are supported, e.g. TT and Road
- Points can be scored using Actual time, VTTA Age Adjusted time or placing in Age Group and you can easily switch between them
- You can merge scoring on Actual Time and VTTA AAT into the same series, meaning older riders can compete against younger riders using their AAT
- You can limit the series to only score the “Best X rides”
- Event Series are managed by the club administrator
- Standings will automatically update overnight
How does this reduce admin for clubs?
The admin associated with keeping track of how many points each rider scores across a series of TT events is complicated. You need to understand who the riders are, which club they ride for, the type of bike they are riding, which classification they ride under, where they have placed and whether they match the criteria for your series. This normally requires someone with good spreadsheet skills and several hours each week to perform the calculations.
Once your series is set up within ResultSheet, points will be automatically calculated overnight as the events run. This means the updated series results are available the following day and there is zero admin for the club.
How does this increase rider numbers?
Each event series has a unique web page address, meaning the link to the series can be easily shared via email, messaging, social media etc. This means that each time the link is shared you are promoting all events in the series for the same effort as promoting a single event.
When riders view the series, not only will they see how they are performing based on results so far but can easily see the remaining events in the series. Clicking on one of these events can take them to either further information or an event sign-up page, which in turn encourages them to sign up for the remaining events and makes it easier to do so.
Event series functionality is available to all users for both club and open events at no additional charge.
Getting Started
The help article on how to set up an event series can be found here.
Where do I find the list of event series?
The event series list can be found here.