ResultSheet has now been updated to support changes to the CTT API following the new…
Following recent feedback on ResultSheet Event Series functionality, we have slightly modified the way the points are calculated:
- When looking at an event series with “Any Bike Type” and “Any Classification”, the points will be calculated for the entire field regardless of Bike Type or Classification. Previously, Classification points were always calculated separately, e.g. if a Man won the Open classification and a Women won the Female classification, they would both score maximum points, which looked a bit odd when viewed without any filters applied. Now they will be scored based on their placing in the entire field
- For event series that are restricted to certain clubs, riders that are not members of one of the restricted clubs will not score points. Previously, if a rider for a restricted club came third and the two faster riders rode for clubs outside the series, the third person rider would not score maximum points. Now they will