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Create the event

To create a new club event, follow these steps:

  • Log into ResultSheet
  • Select “My Events” to take you to the list of your events, click the “+” button
  • Fill in the event details as follows:
    • Event name: The name of your event, e.g. “Demo CC club 10 #1”
    • Date & time of event: the date and start time of the event
    • Course: The CTT course number if you have it
    • Distance: The event course distance in miles
    • More info: URL to link to further event information or the event on the CTT website
    • Organiser name: The full name of the organiser
    • Organiser email: The email address of the organiser
    • Organiser mobile: The mobile number of the organiser
    • Organiser landline: The landline of the organiser
    • Club: The promoting club, normally this will be your club
    • Result entry type: Either Watch Time, Actual Time or Time of Day (see notes below)
    • Gap between each rider starting: The gap in seconds between each rider starting, normally 60 seconds
    • Timekeeper: The timekeeper for the event. Use this field if you wish another ResultSheet user to enter times for this event
    • ID: This is automatically calculated, leave as the default value
  • Click Save to return to your events list

Your event should now be in your “My Events” list. Open the event and notice the following field:

  • Event Results – share this link to publicise your event: This is the link to the event results to share with your riders and on social media so people can track the results

In the “Result Entry Type” field, there are three options to capture results:

  • Watch Time: Use this option if you wish to enter times from the finish time keeper stop watch as riders pass the line. This method follows the same approach that CTT time keepers use when synchronising stop watches at the start of the event
  • Actual Time: The actual time achieved by the rider for this event
  • Time of Day: The time the rider crossed the line. ResultSheet will compare the rider start time with their finish time of day to calculate the result

Note about Watch Time: For Watch Time to work, rider bib numbers should correspond with the number of time intervals passed for each rider start time. e.g. If an event starts at 06:30 and riders are starting at 60 second intervals, the first rider starting should have bib number “1” and their start time should be 06:31. Rider number 2 should be starting at 06:32 etc. If your event requires bib numbers that start at numbers higher than the number of time intervals passed when that rider starts, you should set your event to use “Actual Time” and enter the actual result for each rider as they finish.

Adding riders

If riders have registered for your event beforehand, it is a good idea to add riders in advance and share the start sheet using the “Event Results” link described above. If your event is sign-on-the-line, you can add riders as they sign on or during the event.

To add a rider, perform the following steps:

  • Select the chosen event from the “My Events” tab
  • Scroll to the bottom of the event screen and select “View”. This will take you to blank page if your event doesn’t have any riders entered
  • Click “+” to add a new rider
  • Fill in the rider fields as follows:
    • Rider number: the number associated with the rider
    • Start time: the time the rider will be starting
    • Firstname: the rider first name
    • Lastname: the rider last name
    • Club: the club the rider is riding for
    • Gender: Male or Female
    • Age on Day: their age at the time of the event
    • Competition: The competition they are in within the event, normally either road bike or TT.
  • If you are just entering the rider details at this stage, click “Save” to add the rider to the event. Repeat the steps above for each additional rider
  • If you entering rider results at this point, you may also complete the additional fields below:
    • Either Actual Time, Watch Time or Time of Day: Enter the correct type of result associated with the event. Pro tip: Some Android phones will bring up a date/time selector which offers the option to scroll through hours, minutes and seconds. Tapping this scroll box will bring up a keypad to enable times to be entered directly, which is often faster.
    • Hundreths: Enter time hundreths if applicable
    • If your event is using either Watch Time or Time of Day to record results and you wish to override the calculation and enter an actual time, select “Y”. ResultSheet will then view the time entered in the time field above as the actual result
    • Result Notes: If there are any notes associated with this result, e.g. “Includes 20 second late start penalty”
    • If your rider didn’t start or finish, select appropriate DNF, DNS, DNS(A) OR DQ option
    • CTT number: Enter if known or just leave blank, this is normally used for open events
  • Click “Save”
  • Repeat the steps above for each rider

The riders and their results will appear on the event report normally within 10-15 minutes of being entered.

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