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We have done a number of micro updates over the last few months, as follows:

  • Event managers can now change the name of the promoting club for an event. This means organisers and time keepers that run events for multiple clubs can assign the correct club on the result sheet, rather than just their own
  • Riders who were rejected on CTT events were appearing on result sheets when being imported to ResultSheet, this has now been fixed
  • Entering “0” in the decimal field when entering a result caused the CTT export file to contain the incorrect number in the “Tenths of a second” column. This has been fixed
  • Any riders that don’t have a start time when being imported from the CTT will now be automatically flagged as a reserve and given a number of “999”. This means event organisers can easily assign results or delete the riders from the start sheet as appropriate
  • Times entered that were to the hundredth of a second were not always rounding correctly when sending results back to the CTT. This has been fixed
  • Longer dates no longer wrap onto a second line when viewing the list of events on a mobile device
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