Overview Event series functionality enables clubs to easily set up season-long competitions consisting of multiple…
Startsheets can be uploaded automatically from the CTT website.
A video explaining how to upload startsheets from the CTT website can be found here. (Note that this video was created before the new CTT website in January 2025. The concepts are the same except that you will no longer need to choose competitions for your events, this will be done automatically).
To upload a startsheet, perform the following:
- Ensure your startsheets have been uploaded and accepted on the CTT website
- Within ResultSheet, on the “Manage Startsheet” page for your chosen event select “Upload startsheet” and then “Upload from CTT website”. You may already have been given the option to “Upload from CTT website” if your event currently doesn’t have a startsheet
- You will then be presented with a list of events from the CTT website that are the same day as your event
- Select the event you wish to upload to ResultSheet
- You will be shown uploading progress as the startsheet is processed and then returned to the Manage Startsheet page showing the riders for that event
Any riders that are imported that don’t have a start time will be given a number of “999” and flagged as a reserve.