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A video on how to create an event can be found here.

To create a new event, follow these steps:

  • Log into ResultSheet
  • From your events list, click “Create Event”
  • Fill in the event details as follows:
    • Event name: The name of your event, e.g. “Demo CC club 10 #1”
    • Date & time of event: the date and start time of the event
    • Distance: The event course distance in miles
    • Course: The CTT course number if you have it
    • Further info link: URL to link to further event information or the event on the CTT website. Hint: If riders can enter online include the entry link in this field. This will make it easier for them to sign up when looking at the event in ResultSheet
    • HQ address: The address of the event HQ
    • Event competitions: The competitions within the event, e.g. Overall, 2-up and Tandems. Press enter after each competition to add a new one. Note: If you have uploaded a startsheet from the CTT, the competitions within this field will be set to match the races in the CTT event and the field set to read-only
    • Organiser name: The full name of the organiser
    • Organiser email: The email address of the organiser
    • Organiser tel: The contact number for the organiser
    • Promoting club: The promoting club, normally this will be your club and will be read-only
    • Event manager: The person who will be managing this event and have the ability to edit the event details. This is normally the person who created the event
    • Event timekeeper: The person who will be entering results for the event
    • Result entry type: Either Actual Time or Time of Day (see notes below)*
    • Start time interval: The gap in seconds between each rider starting, normally 60 seconds
    • Manage Splits: If your event has splits add them by clicking this button
    • Event Notes: You can make notes about your event by clicking this button. These notes will be visible by people viewing your event
    • Enable API: If you have API access, check this box to enable external systems to post results into this event
  • Click “Create event” and you will be offered payment options if your club doesn’t have an active ResultSheet subscription

*In the “Result Entry Type” field, there are two options to capture results:

  • Watch Time: Use this option if you wish to enter times from the finish time keeper stop watch as riders pass the line. This method follows the same approach that CTT time keepers use when synchronising stop watches at the start of the event
  • Actual Time: The actual time achieved by the rider for this event

Note about Watch Time: Further information about Watch Time can be found here. If your event requires bib numbers that start at numbers higher than the number of time intervals passed when that rider starts, you should set your event to use “Actual Time” and enter the actual result for each rider as they finish.

Note about Splits: From the Manage Splits screen, you can enter a maximum of 5 splits each with a split number, description and distance from the start. You can also choose which attribute to display on the split report.

Manually adding riders

If riders have registered for your event beforehand, it is a good idea to add riders in advance and publish the start sheet ahead of the event. If your event is sign-on-the-line, you can add riders as they sign on or during the event.

To add a rider, perform the following steps:

  • Select the chosen event from your events list and select “Manage Startsheet” from the options displayed. If you have just created your event you should already be at the Manage Startsheet screen
  • If you are adding riders from a desktop device, you will be presented with the rider fields along the top of the screen. If you are using a mobile device, the rider fields will appear in a popup window. Fill in the rider fields along the as follows:
    • Rider number: the number associated with the rider
    • Start time: the time the rider will be starting. This should automatically populate based on the event start time and bib number, although it can be overridden if required
    • Firstname: the rider first name
    • Lastname: the rider last name
    • Club: the club the rider is riding for
    • Gender: Male or Female
    • Age on Day: their age at the time of the event
    • Machine Type: the type of bike they will be riding
    • Competition: The competition they are in within the event, eg Overall, 2-up, TTT etc.
    • Reserve: tick this box if the rider is a reserve
  • Click “Add Rider” to add the rider to the start sheet
  • Repeat the steps above for each additional rider

When you have added riders for the event, clicking on the “Manage Startsheet” header will return you to your events list.

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