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ResultSheet has now been updated to support changes to the CTT API following the new CTT website a few weeks ago. This means slight improvements in the ResultSheet processes – see below:

Importing startsheets from the CTT into ResultSheet

The CTT website now supports the same model as ResultSheet when it comes to having multiple competitions within a single event, e.g. Individuals, Tandems and 2-ups. When uploading a startsheet from the CTT, the ResultSheet competitions will now automatically mirror the “Races” stored in the CTT event, meaning fewer clicks for you. Instructions for uploading startsheets from the CTT can be found here.

Course records

At the time of this article, the new CTT API doesn’t support course records, so those won’t be available in ResultSheet yet. We have been told it’s coming, so one to watch out for.

Importing startsheets using a file for Club events – watch out for new bike codes

The codes to identify the type of bike a rider used have changed, the new bike codes are contained as a note in the machine_code column in the upload template. Information on uploading startsheets via a file can be found here.

Simpler uploading of event results back to the CTT – no need to convert to XLS

The process for sending results back to the CTT is simpler as the CTT now support importing results as a CSV file, rather than XLS as before. Simply produce the export file and then import it via the CTT website, you no longer need to convert it to an XLS file. Further information on uploading results back to the CTT can be found here.

Spot anything strange? Let us know…

If anything doesn’t seem to be behaving as it should after this update, contact us and we’ll take a look.

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