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The CTT announced some exciting news on 18th April 2023 that they would be supporting multiple bike types within an event, which is particularly relevant to riders that wish to time trial using a road bike. This transition will involve some new processes for event organisers but we have been working hard with the CTT and Spindata to help make the transition to the new multi-bike events almost transparent to event organisers if they use ResultSheet.

What does this mean for Open events within ResultSheet?

To summarise the change for open events, when riders register for an event on the CTT website they are now asked which type of bike they will be riding, e.g. TT Bike or Road Bike. This information is then passed to ResultSheet when the start sheet is uploaded and event organisers and riders can now filter results by “Machine Type”, for example to only show results for Road Bikes.

What does this mean for club and non CTT events within ResultSheet?

There are two changes:

  1. When manually adding riders, e.g. for a sign on the line event, you will be asked which type of bike they are riding
  2. When importing a start sheet using the file upload function, a new column for “Machine Type” been added enabling you to specify the bike type for each rider in the upload file

What about riders who change their mind about bike type at the event?

When riders sign on at events they have pre-registered for, it is possible they make have changed the type of bike they wish to ride. For example, the rider may have entered the event selecting “Road Bike” but wants to ride a “TT Bike” on the day. ResultSheet now enables organisers to change the bike type associated with the rider and will then automatically send that information back to the CTT along with the results after the event. For club and non CTT events, the new road bike type will be available in the result export file.

What does the mean for the “Competitions” functionality in ResultSheet?

It is possible with ResultSheet to run multiple competitions within the same event, see how to do that here. Historically, this enabled organisers who had set up two CTT events (one for TT Bikes, one for Road Bikes) to manage results for each bike type from a single ResultSheet event.

With the CTT now supporting different bike types within a single CTT event, it will no longer be necessary to use ResultSheet competitions to segregate riders by machine type. However, the functionality is still required to support 2-up’s, TT’s and Tandems as they are different event types for the CTT. You can obviously continue to utilise the Competitions functionality to group riders however you wish for your own events.

I have a question, where do I go?

Either contact us here or via our Facebook Community Group.

Further reading:

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