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Getting Started

Quick start guide

Welcome to ResultSheet! A training video can be found here. Alternatively, here are the steps to get you started: Sign…

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How to sign up for a ResultSheet account

Click here to sign up.

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Logging in from your desktop

Click on the Login option in the top menu or click here.

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Setting up ResultSheet on your mobile device

ResultSheet runs in your mobile device browser so installation of an app is not necessary. However, it is useful to…

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Zoom training recording from 4th July 2022

Jump to the required section using the chapter links below: 00:00 Introduction and why live results are important 14:25 ResultSheet…

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Managing Events

Creating an event

A video on how to create an event can be found here. To create a new event, follow these steps:…

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Paying for an event

In order to use an event once it is created you will need to pay for it. This is done…

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Managing multiple competitions within the same event

It is normal practice to run multiple competitions within the same ResultSheet event, eg Overall, 2-up and Tandems, rather than…

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Automatically upload startsheets from the CTT website

Startsheets can be uploaded automatically from the CTT website. A video explaining how to upload startsheets from the CTT website…

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Importing start sheets

To save time, start sheets from other sources, eg the CTT, can be imported directly into ResultSheet. To import a…

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Publishing an event

Events will not be viewable by other people or appear on the ResultSheet website until they have been published. You…

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Distributing a results link before an event

Distributing the link to the ResultSheet event ahead of time can help generate buzz and helps people find the results…

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Creating an event QR code

QR codes are a great way to let people know how to access live results on their mobile devices at…

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Changing the bike type for a rider during an event

If a rider has entered an event with one bike type but wishes to ride the event with another, e.g.…

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Showing results on a larger screen or projector at HQ

A video overview of the HQ report for larger screens can be found here and details on how to configure…

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Displaying rider split times

For events that have been set up to record split times, it is possible view the rider split times as…

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Displaying VTTA Standards / Age Adjusted Time Results

VTTA standards and Age Adjusted Time (AAT) are automatically calculated when entering rider results and can be displayed in real-time…

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Displaying rider results with Spindata predictions

Predictions will be automatically uploaded to ResultSheet either when an event start sheet is created or overnight once the data…

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Entering rider results

To enter rider results, you will need a data connection on the device you are using. A video on how…

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Actual Time vs Watch Time – what’s the difference?

When entering rider results, a time keeper has two options, Actual Time or Watch Time, as follows: Actual Time -…

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Cloning an event

If you wish to create a new event using an old event as a template, follow these steps: Login to…

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Exporting results for sending back to the CTT

ResultSheet can export event results in a format that can be imported into the CTT website. A video explaining how…

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Export results in other formats

ResultSheet can export event results in CSV format for sending to other systems and spreadsheets. A video explaining how to…

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Managing event series

Overview Event series functionality enables clubs to easily set up season-long competitions consisting of multiple events where points are scored…

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Your ResultSheet Account

Managing your club subscription

A ResultSheet club subscription enables you to create as many events as you wish, gives you access to the API…

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Setting up your Club Page

What is a Club Page? All clubs in ResultSheet have a dedicated club page which shows the following: Future events…

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Having multiple ResultSheet users within your club

If you wish more than one person from your club to have access to ResultSheet, e.g. so you can each…

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Deleting your ResultSheet account

If you wish to delete your ResultSheet account, please contact us and we'll be happy to help.

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Publishing results to ResultSheet from other systems

Overview Enables developers to publish results from other systems into a ResultSheet event, for example from chip timing platforms. Structure…

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Navigating to results using a CTT event ID

Overview Enables you to navigate to a ResultSheet live results page using only a CTT race ID. Structure[CTT race…

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If you can’t find what you are looking for contact us with your question.

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